FAQDo you have a textbook you no longer need? Looking to make cash on that textbook? Don't want to mail your book away somewhere and wait for your Cash?
Several Campus Bookstores have merged their Textbook buy-back lists for access by students on or near participating Schools.
The purpose of the facility is to increase the resale market for used books, to make more used books available for resale at Campus Bookstores at reduced prices, and to provide more options for students to help manage their textbook budget.
How is price determined? The pricing formula is simple. Generally if a book is used on your home campus or at a participating store near your home campus you will receive approximately 50% of the price of the current new book price. We call that the "Home Price".If the book is being used at a campus elsewhere you will receive 30% of the current new book price. We call that the "away price".
What can I do if I find the price offered too low? If the book has not yet been adopted on any campus you can list the books, in fact, you can list all of your books in BuyBack Alerts. As soon as a participating campus adds the title you will be notified by email of the price.
How firm is the price? The demand for the book is finite and is maintained in real time. The demand decreases instantly with every sale and can expire quickly as other students line up across North America at end of terms to sell their books.
I attend a school in another town. When I go home can I sell my bookback to the university/college in my hometown? Yes! and we encourage the practice but remember demand can expire quickly so get there quickly. Also, please make sure that the university/college in your hometown is buying your book.
What happens if demand expires before I get to my nearest store? Sorry, you are out of luck. You can list the book in resale registration and when another campus adopts the book you will be notified by email.
What happens if I am notified by email and demand expires before I get to the nearest store? Sorry again but it is due to the real time nature of the system. The local store has no control over the demand for a book or the numbers needed at another school.
How does my book get to the other Campuses? Your home or nearest participating bookstore will pay you the cash and look after shipping the books to the campus with the demand.
Do you buy study guides or CD ROMS ? Some schools do, some don't. As long as it has an ISBN number you can search and won't miss any opportunities at participating schools.
What is an ISBN? International Standard Book Number. All books have one and each edition of a title has a different ISBN.
Can I sell a book I originally purchased used? Yes, you will receive about 50% of the new list price if it will be used on your home campus and about 30% of the new list price if used elsewhere.
Does the previous edition of my text have resale value? Not usually, and the system buys based on ISBN to ensure the correct and most current edition is purchased.
Can I sell back books in any condition? The decision belongs to the buyer at each school. We want used books not abused books and reserve the right to refuse to purchase damaged books or books that are unlikely to be repurchased by other students.
Why are there not more titles on the list? Late adoptions or a change in editions, a different book being used on the same course are some of the reasons. Only those books that are certain to be used on a campus make it to the list. Ask your instructors to adopt early and adopt the same book to help increase the numbers and value of used textbooks.