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Gutenberg Philosophy is to make information, books and other materials available to the
general public in forms a vast majority of the computers, programs and people can easily
read, use, quote, and search.
The On-Line Books Page is
a directory of books that can be freely read right on the
Internet. It includes: An index of thousands of on-line books on the Internet, pointers
to significant directories and archives of on-line texts, special exhibits, ...and more!
An Online Library of Literature is a site dedicated to bringing real books to people through
the Internet. Titles from over 30 world class authors.
Other Cool Clicks! In a recent survey
75% of students said they would like to review textbooks online. This is now available!
Help to improve the textbooks used for your courses. contains a vast array of resources including a jargon buster, language
tips, competitions and crosswords, articles and interviews about dictionary making
and the English language.
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